#CodingIcon: Lyndsey Scott - Actress, Model, App Developer

#CodingIcon is a mini-series from Jewelbots highlighting the amazing women building the things we use everyday.

Lyndsey Scott is proof that you don't have to limit yourself to a one passion. She always had a passion for acting, and knew from and early age that she wanted to pursue it as a career.

After entering college and taking an intro to CS course, however, she discovered a newfound love for computer science too! Lyndsey then graduated with a dual major at Amherst College. And now, she leads an exciting double life of modeling by day and coding by night! 

Lyndsey teaching code to Girl Scouts in her Octopus Onesie

Full Name: Lyndsey Scott
Fun Fact: She was the first African-American model for the Calvin Klein exclusive during fashion week.
StackOverflow: Lyndsey Scott

What's your position at work?
Freelance developer; ios development

Lyndsey currently devotes much of her time to her first love, acting. She spends the other half of her time programming iOS apps for clients. Along with freelancing projects, Lyndsey is ranked as one of the top iOS answerers on the #1 programming site, Stack Overflow; is a member of the prestigious iOS tutorial team of RayWenderlich.com; and has done video tutorials for kids co-starring the likes of Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg for Code.org. 

Lyndsey’s biggest role models were her parents. She admires them for their strength and business savvy. They raised Lyndsey to believe that she could do anything, and to never let being a girl stop her from thinking that she could accomplish her goals.

Lyndsey in her middle school days!

Lyndsey’s earliest memories of coding was when she was about 12 and messing around with her graphing calculator. However, she didn’t really start coding until she was in college. Although majoring in theater, Lyndsey knew that she was going to have a 2nd major. After exploring economics and other things, she discovered a computer science course. From there, she fell in love with coding.

Having an instant affinity for her computer science course, she continued to 2nd major in it. The new skill becoming even better than theater; grade-wise.

Now Lyndsey has gone on to help many others learn to code! Actively spreading the message "If it means being smart and having interests like computer science, then I have no problem being a nerd!"

Lyndsey’s favorite part about being a coder is the ability to be able to create new things out of thin air. She enjoyed the idea of how powerful it was to be able to innovate. 

"With modeling, you never have control over anything," Lyndsey told CNN. "So being able to have complete power with these apps I develop is very fulfilling."