Winner of our School Colors Code Contest + A New Jewelbots Light Color!

We are thrilled to announce that the winner of our Jewelbots Back to School contest is Cyber Eclipse! She created an awesome school colors program for her Jewelbots. Also, as an added bonus, she has a hidden morse code message in the flashing. Click through to check and see if you caught it! 

Check out the video of the code in action and can get the full code and description here to try it yourself!!!

Also, did you know that we now have a new LED color? Spoiler alert, it's orange. And did you know an 8 year old Jewelbot user named Clara figured out how to make it?!?!??!!?

Well she did. Check out Clara's tutorial about how  post about how she discovered it. Maybe you'll be inspired to do some digging too ;)

Also, check out this latest round up of tweets about Jewelbots!